Tuesday, February 11, 2014


PSLE 2014

PSLE 2014 seems to be still far away. But it's just around 7 months from now.

How are students coping with the last push of their syllabus in schools.
Some schools are going to complete their syllabus before SA1 (mid-year exams),
others are trying to complete it even earlier.

I've just seen a worksheet of percentage from my P6 student, and although she has just covered the topic in school, she was given questions from 2012 Prelim papers from the TOP Schools. She was at a lost and disheartened.

I'm not too sure the intention of the teacher. He/she might want to push the students along, but it might work on more advanced students, but definitely not on the average students.

For all P6 Students preparing for your PSLE 2014 exams, enjoy the journey of learning the skills, and not be obsessed with the exams. Once you know how to work on the questions (problem sums), you will find it exciting and rewarding. Getting high scores will come naturally.

Having said that, it's important for students to attempt the questions that they have difficulty in answering them. Don't just brush it off. It shows that you have not acquire the skills to handle that type of question, and you will make the same mistakes again.

Be exposed to as many different types of questions, and learn the Heuristics Skills of conquering these questions.

Lastly, enjoy the learning process. If you are not enjoying it, you will find it sometimes miserables studying. I believe that if you are happy and want to learn, you will be able to acquire the skills quicker and better.

Have fun.

Martin Lee

P.S. For those who wants to purchase PAST EXAM PAPERS (P1 to P6), do contact me.